HHO DRY CELL HYDROGEN GENERATOR 13 PLATES – Designed for up to 2 liter engines 12A without overheating – HHO Generators – Improved Fuel Economy; HHO Generators are the most fuel efficient choice for your vehicle; HHO Generators improve gas mileage, reduce emissions, increase horsepower, and even clean the internal workings of your engine; HHO generators are the most cost effective choice for your car, pickup truck, suv, van, box truck, delivery truck, semi-truck, or even boats. – How Much HHO? – First of all, let me start out by making a bold statement: Nearly all users of HHO systems are using too much HHO. I frequently get asked about how much HHO will yield the best mileage gains for a particular car or truck. Years ago, we used the following formula: 1/4 liter per minute for each liter of engine size. For example, if you have a 2 liter engine, you need .5 LPM of HHO. In practice this is a pretty good formula to use, because most people measure HHO using ball meters or pop bottle test. These tests are not particularly accurate, and tend to read higher flow rates than actual. So with this in mind, the formula will work pretty well. – Benefits of HHO Hydrogen Generator: 1. Reduced Emissions (major reductions in hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emissions); 2. Up to 35% Improved MPG or KMPL (km per liter); 3. Cleaner Engine (reduction of carbon build up in cylinders, and spark plugs); 4. Increase – Oil Lifetime; 5. Increased Horsepower; 6. Increase Catalytic Converter Life – Tube fittings: Hose barb Polyamide (PA 6) 1/4 thread 10mm Diameter – 3 YEAR WARRANTY ON HHO DRY CELL 316L 13 plate HHO generator (HYDROGEN) – Weight: 1.5Kg – Thanks for Looking!
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